Saturday 7 April 2012

Out and about in Old London Town…

Royal Brompton Incarceration Sketch tour - 3 of 5

It is very boring in hospital especially when you are just waiting for IV drugs to be administered 3 times a day. To relive the monotony at the Royal Brompton Hospital you are encouraged to go out and about for a walk. You have to sign a disclaimer to say you will come back and failure to return will mean your bed will be reallocated after 24 hours. Apparently this is to help focus the young minds of teenagers who see the afternoon walk as an escape route to more exciting ways to enjoy London – and in the process miss their medication. I had to sign it. I am 39.


So where to go in Old London Town? I walked the main Fulham Road high street and came across a MandS – Brilliant for Milkshakes, a fantastic book shop and the worlds first and I believe only Virgin only fitness club – Although I may have read the sign wrong…But my favourite outings was to Albert Bridge as the last time I was in London it was being renovated. It has been painted shockingly in lime/yellow green and light blue. Despite this is remains an amazing structure and one that I sketched in pen and ink.

Albert Bride 1final

The Guard house on the Bridge has this rather out dated message – ‘All troops must break step when marching over this bridge’ It seems odd now, that the pounding of booted feet, should cause so much structural uncertainty that a notice was required. Yet today thousands of Lorries, cars and pedestrians pass over the bridge without a hitch and without noticing the stark warning. Maybe steel is stronger these days?

Albert Bridge hut  web

It was while I was drawing the guard house that is occurred to me the Congestion Charge cameras had been moved. I park regularly in Kensington so I looked it up on the web to find out what new technology is being used to record the congestion charge stickers on windscreens – Only to find out the congestion zone has moved and I have been paying £10 for no reason for 8 months…Not impressed. Thank –you Boris.


Read more from the Royal Brompton Incarceration sketch tour…

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