Tuesday 17 April 2012

Jurassic afternoon stroll

Royal Brompton Incarceration Sketch tour 2012 (5 of 5)

Having signed my life away to the Foulis ward register and promised not to return drunk and be back in time for tea I hit the streets of Old London Town in search of adventure and Dinosaurs at the natural history museum where I was promised history would come alive by there website…

I have to day that the experience did take me back in time…to school day trips. There were lots of school kids running about making fun of the animatronics. Trying to find innuendo in all the items of the cleverly placed gift shop at the end of the dinosaur exhibit.

So the next sketch is the Dinosaur in the main hall of the Natural history museum.

Natural history museum final web

Walking back to the hospital it occurred to me that there are a lot of mopeds in London and I stopped to draw them – completely missing the opportunity to draw the Row of Boris Battery Bikes.

Motorccyle sketch final

I worked up the original sketch into the following finished painting.

Motorcycles lightbox finalweb

On of the things I tried to find in the urban London jungle was hidden beauty – I think I found it in the run down garages in a side street off of Cromwell Road. I was particularly struck by the bright green doors at the end of the alley way.

Side street final web


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