Food processor
When we moved into our house I was brought a food processor, which lived in its packaging for years. I struggled to make cakes the traditional way, hand beating eggs, creaming fats and sugars…until one day when we were clearing out our cupboards, the food processor came out of its packaging.
During lockdown the food processor made a weekly appearance in the kitchen - used to produce either a lemon or carrot cake.
I discovered recently that we have a hand held blender. This has made grating carrot easier.
Mince Pies
At Christmas I like a mince pie. It says Christmas. It tases of a festive season much like a hot cross bun at Easter. This year we forgot to buy them so at the invitation of my mother in law - I ate 2 from a half packet of Marks and Spencers finest. With two left in the packet my father in law generously offered me one, knowing in the past that I would refuse…But they were so good, I managed another. Much to the evil eye of my Father in Law.
When we visit Tenby in Wales we visit the Pembrokeshire Pasty and Pie Co, buy a pasty to go and then sit on the beach, or cliff top to eat it. It’s one of the best pasties I’ve ever eaten. But only if you can fight off the seagulls.