I love the seaside and especially fisherman’s clutter that can be found lying around. In Clovelly I was inspired by the lobster pots and the colours that shone through the netting material. I tried to work out if I was painting the netting or the holes. The rough cobbles created a regular pattern to help draw the eye into the picture.
While I was painting this picture I read an article in the artist and illustrators magazine about gouache resist. So I thought I would give it a try. Using a piece of mount board I drew my image and then proceeded to paint gouache in the areas I wanted to keep white. When this was dry I painted over the whole image with Indian ink.
Then after a night of drying I washed the image under a cold tap to release the gouache paint. Then I added some watercolour to the image…
I have read other versions of this technique and I might come back and explore them one day…Stay Tuned.
Clovelly fishing pots image from my sketch book.